Refresh Business objects is a process which is used to create the HDL template for a business object with the latest supported attributes.
When to run ‘Refresh Business Objects’ process:
It is advised to run this process:
After every upgrade
After any new DFF/EFF attributes are configured for any HDL supported business objects.
How to run‘Refresh Business Objects’ process:
To run ‘Refresh Business Objects’ process, navigate to My Client Groups -> Data Exchange -> View Business Objects
On the View Business Objects UI, you will see 2 buttons:
a. Refresh Object – This is used when you want to refresh only one object at a time. This is usually run when any new DFF attributes are setup for a particular object. Once you click on ‘Refresh Object’, you will see the below screen:
Click on Submit button to submit the process.
You can then click on ‘View Process Results’ button to check the progress:
Once the process completes, you can see the last refreshed date:
b. Refresh All Objects – This is used when you want to refresh all the business objects. This is usually run post release upgrade.
As per the standard Fusion security, a user can view only the scheduled processes which has been scheduled from his/her user login. However, there is a common requirement where the admin should be able to view all the scheduled processes (processes scheduled by all the users). This can be achieved by creating a custom role. Follow the below mentioned steps to create the Role:
Navigate to Home -> Tools -> Security Console -> Create Role
2. Choose the category as ‘Abstract Data Role’
3. Click next and stop on ‘Role Hierarchy’ train stop. Click on Add button and search for ‘ESS Monitor Role’ and click on ‘Add Role Membership’:
4. Click Next and in ‘User’ train stop add the user to whom you want to assign this role. This is an optional step.
5. Click Next and Click on Save and Close.
6. Search for the newly created role under ‘Roles’ tab:
7. Assign the role to required users.
8. Run the ESS process ‘Import User and Role Application Security Data’. Once the process is complete, login and logout and verify that the user is able to see all the ESS jobs under ‘Scheduled Processes’.
Post P2T refresh, it is mandatory to mask the actual email Ids of the users in cloned test environment. This is required to avoid any unwanted emails getting triggered to the end users.
Use the below SQL to extract the data in HDL format:
select 'MERGE' "METADATA",
'PersonEmail' "PersonEmail",
pea.email_address_id "EmailAddressId",
pea.person_id "PersonId",
to_char(pea.date_from,'RRRR/MM/DD') "DateFrom",
to_char(pea.date_to,'RRRR/MM/DD') "DateTo",
pea.email_type "EmailType",
-->pea.email_address "1EmailAddress",
replace(replace(pea.email_address,'@','@invalid'),'.co','.xco') "EmailAddress", --> Change the format as per your requirement
(select email_hrc.source_system_id
from hrc_integration_key_map email_hrc
WHERE pea.email_Address_id = email_hrc.surrogate_id) "SourceSystemId",
(select email_hrc.source_system_owner
from hrc_integration_key_map email_hrc
WHERE pea.email_Address_id = email_hrc.surrogate_id) "SourceSystemOwner"
from per_email_addresses pea
where 1=1
and upper(email_address) like '%XXCOMPANY%' --> Change the format as per your requirement
Query with Person Number:
select 'MERGE' "METADATA",
'PersonEmail' "PersonEmail",
pea.email_address_id "EmailAddressId",
pea.person_id "PersonId",
papf.person_number "PersonNumber",
to_char(pea.date_from,'RRRR/MM/DD') "DateFrom",
to_char(pea.date_to,'RRRR/MM/DD') "DateTo",
pea.email_type "EmailType",
-->pea.email_address "1EmailAddress",
replace(replace(pea.email_address,'@','@invalid'),'.co','.xco') "EmailAddress", --> Change the format as per your requirement
(select email_hrc.source_system_id
from hrc_integration_key_map email_hrc
WHERE pea.email_Address_id = email_hrc.surrogate_id) "SourceSystemId",
(select email_hrc.source_system_owner
from hrc_integration_key_map email_hrc
WHERE pea.email_Address_id = email_hrc.surrogate_id) "SourceSystemOwner"
from per_email_addresses pea, per_all_people_f papf
where 1=1
and pea.person_id = papf.person_id
and trunc(sysdate) between papf.effective_start_date and papf.effective_end_date
and upper(email_address) like '%XXCOMPANY%' --> Change the format as per your requirement
Once the data is generated, create the HDL file and load the Worker.dat.
Post data load steps:
Run “Send Personal Data for Multiple Users to LDAP” process. This process will sync up the latest email address from worker email to user.
Login to Security Console and verify for couple of users from UI or you can verify from backend.
Disable the notifications (optional) – Navigate to Security Console -> User Categories -> Notification Preferences -> Uncheck the Enable Notifications:
4. Or you can redirect all the notification to single email address. Search for ‘Manage Approval Groups’ task in ‘Setup and Maintenance”:
Clicking on above task will take you to the BPM Worklist page.
Click on “Administration” button and search for Test Notification Email Address and provide the value where you want to redirect all your notifications:
If you want to completely purge the email data then use below post:
Many a times, consultants are required to modify the standard BIP reports. This is very much applicable in case of workflow notifications which are based on BIP reports. Both data model as well report can be customized to include/exclude any additional fields.
Sometimes it is required to delete the uploaded phones data from Fusion HCM. Below query can be used to create a BIP report which in turn can be used to generate HDL file to delete phones data.
The query can be modified to delete phones data for contacts as well as for other person types.
Supported Version :- 20D
SELECT 'METADATA|PersonPhone|PhoneId|PhoneType|PersonId|DateFrom|SourceSystemId|SourceSystemOwner' D_ROW
SELECT 'DELETE|PersonPhone|'||
from per_phones pp,
hrc_integration_key_map hikm
where pp.phone_id= hikm.surrogate_id
and exists (select 1 from per_periods_of_service where person_id=pp.person_id)
In HR Helpdesk (HRHD), workers are assigned as resources. Below SQL query can be used to get the details of workers who are assigned as resources:
select hp.PERSON_FIRST_NAME "FirstName"
,hp.EMAIL_ADDRESS "ResourceEmail"
,hp.PARTY_NUMBER "ResourcePartyNumber"
from HZ_PARTIES hp,
per_all_people_f papf
where papf.person_id = hp.ORIG_SYSTEM_REFERENCE
and trunc(sysdate) between papf.effective_start_date and papf.effective_end_date
--and papf.person_number IN ('964091')
While creating an HCM extract based on a BIP report, there is a common requirement where the BIP should retrieve “Changed Only” data. This can be achieved using a BIP report data model which is based on globalReportsDataModel (/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Data Model).
Use the below query in the data set to extract last run date of HCM extract and based on this date create a filter on last_update_date of the standard table from which we are extracting the data.
WITH pLastRunDate AS
FROM pay_flows pf
,pay_flow_instances pfi
AND pf.base_flow_id = pfi.base_flow_id
AND pfi.LAST_UPDATE_DATE < sysdate
AND pf.base_flow_name ='XX Custom Integration Extract' -- - give the name of your HCM extract
AND pfi.status = 'COMPLETED'