HDL – How to encrypt a file locally
  • Navigate to Navigator -> Tools -> Security Console -> Certificates
  • Look for – ‘fusion-key’ and from actions button export the public key.
  • Open command prompt from Downloads folder.
  • Type following command to import fusion-key
gpg –import fusion-key_pub.asc
  • Once the key is imported. Use the command below to encrypt your HDL file (please place the JobFamily_userKeys.zip file in Downloads folder).
gpg –cipher-algo AES-256 -r fusion-key –encrypt JobFamily_userKeys.zip

** You can use any other folder as well. Just you need to point to the right directory.

  • An encrypted file with extension .gpg will be generated in the same folder.

Encrypted File Name – JobFamily_userKeys.zip.gpg

  • HCM Data Loader accepts only .zip files, so the newly created .gpg file should be renamed to .zip again (by removing .gpg extension).
  • Try to open the .zip file by double clicking and you should get an error as windows can’t open encrypted files directly.
  • Navigate to My Client Groups -> Data Exchange -> Import and Load -> choose the file.
  • Before submitting, review the parameters by clicking on Review Parameters.
  • Choose the File Encryption as ‘PGP – Unsigned’ and submit the load.
  • File will be decrypted and processed successfully.