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Approvals – Remove Approve/ Reject buttons from Notifications

There are many scenarios where the users don’t want to have Approve/ Reject buttons on the Bell Notifications or the notification received over email.

This can be achieved quite easily using simple settings in BPM.

To remove the Approve/Reject buttons from email:- Disable the “Make Notifications Actionable” option under the appropriate task.

To remove the Approve/Reject buttons from worklist notifications:– Remove task actions from Actions under Access for the particular task:

Make sure to Commit the changes once you make the above suggested changes.

Approvals – Using functions in BPM approvals

There are cases where we need to use functions like days between to get difference between two dates. These functions can not be used from Transaction console. One has to login to BPM Worklist to access the functions.

Follow the below steps:

Open the worklist app:

Click on your user name -> Administration and then Task Configurations:

Search for Task:


Click on Edit:

Then under Assignees -> Click on Diamond Icon:


Click on – Go To Rule:

Click on create rule -> on Condition, choose fx:


Then from functions tab, choose the required function:


List of all available functions: