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Configuration – Extract DFF Setup

Use below query to extract the DFF setups defined in Fusion:

 fnd_df_segments_vl fdsv,
       fnd_vs_value_sets fvvs
 WHERE fdsv.value_set_id = fvvs.value_set_id(+)
   AND fdsv.descriptive_flexfield_code = 'PER_ASG_DF'
REST API – Sample Payloads (Part – 1)

Sample payload for adding DFF attribute value for absence entries:

  1. Sample Rest API Payload for adding dff value

url will be same :


    “personNumber”: “999”,

    “employer”: “ABC Test Employer“,

    “absenceType”: “Sick Leave”,

    “startDateDuration”: “1”,

    “startDate”: “2019-03-28”,

    “startTime”: “08:00”,

    “endDate”: “2019-03-28”,

    “endTime”: “17:00”,

    “absenceStatusCd”: “SUBMITTED”,


    “absenceRecordingDFF”: [


            “__FLEX_Context”: null,

            “preapprovaltaken”: “N”




In above example dff preapprovaltaken is enabled at global level and not at any context.

Below is another example where context is enabled


                “personNumber”: “999”,

                “employer”: ” ABC Test Employer “,

                “absenceType”: “Maternity Leave”,


                “startDate”: “2019-10-08”,

                “startTime”: “08:00”,

                “endDate”: “2019-10-08”,

                “endTime”: “17:00”,

                “absenceStatusCd”: “SUBMITTED”,

                “absenceReason”:”ML – For Adoption”,

                “absenceRecordingDFF”: [{

                                                “administratorComments” : null,

                                               “__FLEX_Context” : “300000089749943”,

                                              “dateOfAdoption” : “2019-10-22”




This context value can be retrieved from below query:

FROM fnd_descr_flex_contexts_vl

Configuration – How to get list of supported parameters for a DFF?

There is a common requirement to default the value of DFF attributes on a UI page. For example, we want to default a defined attribute of ‘PER_PERSONS_DFF’ DFF based on person_id. For this we will need to pass the parameter as :{parameter.parameter_name} in table validated value set. To know the list of all parameters supported for ‘PER_PERSONS_DFF’, we can utilize either of below mentioned methods:

  1. From UI:

Navigate to Setup and Maintenance -> Search -> Manage Descriptive Flexfields-> PER_PERSONS_DFF -> Search

Click on edit icon and search for Derivation value field under ‘Context Segment’:

You don’t see any derivation value here which means ‘PER_PERSONS_DFF’ doesn’t support any parameters.

You can check the same for any other DFF and check the list of parameters. Below is a screen shot from ‘PER_POSITIONS_DFF’ dff which shows the supported parameter list.

2. From Backend:

Run the below SQL from reports and analytics and verify the results:

select * from FND_DF_PARAMETERS