HDL – Loading CoverArt File at Course Level
While creating the Courses in Oracle Learning Cloud, there is a capability to load CoverArt for each course. If no cover art is loaded, the learner is presented with a blue strip film.
HCM Data Loaders provides an option to bulk upload the CoverArt file for multiple courses at one go. All the cover art related files (jpg, jepg) should be included in BlobFiles folder and the name of the jpg/jpeg file should be provided in the dat file.
Below is the sample Course dat file:
MERGE|Course||2016/01/01||COURSEN_1866|Test Staff Orientation|||2016/01/01||||USD|||Capture.jpg|Capture.jpg||||1010|TALEO|1111|TALEO_1111|HRC_SQLLOADER|HRC_SQLLOADER_1111
Once the BlobFiles Folder and dat file are ready, zip them together and trigger the HDL Import and Load process:

Once the Import and Load process is successful, login to Learning Admin to verify:

My Client Groups -> Learning -> Learning Catalog -> Courses