HDL – Sample file to close benefit certifications
Starting 23C, a new HDL object has been added to close any pending actions for benefits. The certification type is validated against a lookup called – BEN_ENRT_CTFN_TYP

Below is a sample file to close any pending certification actions against “POC”:
MERGE|CloseEnrollmentCertification|12|First Name 1|Last Name 1|POC|Test Benefits Program|Test Optical|Employee + 1|2023/02/01||12_First Name 1_Last Name 1_POC|HRC_SQLLOADER
MERGE|CloseEnrollmentCertification|13|First Name 2|Last Name 2|POC|Test Benefits Program|Test Medical|Employee + 1||2023/02/01|12_First Name 2_Last Name 2_POC|HRC_SQLLOADER