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BIP – Extract Grade Ladder, Grade and Step details

Below query can be used to extract grade ladder, grades in ladder and step details of a grade.

SELECT  		grade_ladder_name
     , pglf.grade_type		grade_type
     , pglf.active_status	active_status
     ,			grade_name
     , pgilf.sequence		grade_seq_in_ladder
	 , pgsf.sequence		grade_step_seq 
	 ,			grade_step_name
     , PER_GRADE_LADDERS_F_TL pglftl
	 , PER_GRADES_F_TL pgftl 
     , PER_GRADE_STEPS_F pgsf	 
     , PER_GRADE_STEPS_F_TL pgsftl
WHERE pglf.grade_ladder_id = pglftl.grade_ladder_id
  AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN TRUNC(pglf.effective_start_date) AND TRUNC(pglf.effective_end_date)
  AND pglftl.language='US'
  AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN TRUNC(pglftl.effective_start_date) AND TRUNC(pglftl.effective_end_date)
  AND pgilf.grade_ladder_id = pglftl.grade_ladder_id
  AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN TRUNC(pgilf.effective_start_date) AND TRUNC(pgilf.effective_end_date) 
  AND pgftl.language='US'  
  AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN TRUNC(pgftl.effective_start_date) AND TRUNC(pgftl.effective_end_date)
  AND pgilf.grade_id = pgftl.grade_id
  AND pgsf.grade_id = pgftl.grade_id
  AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN TRUNC(pgsf.effective_start_date) AND TRUNC(pgsf.effective_end_date)
  AND pgsftl.grade_step_id = pgsf.grade_step_id
  AND pgsftl.language='US' 
  AND trunc(sysdate) between trunc(pgsftl.effective_start_date) and trunc(pgsftl.effective_end_date)
BIP – Report to extract BIP scheduled jobs

I have designed below query to extract the schedule of a BIP submitted jobs which is not available directly. Replace the job name attribute with your job name or run it for all:

		1	-	Wait
		2	-	Ready
		3	-	Running
		4	-	Completed
		5	-	Blocked
		6	-	Hold
		7	-	Canceling
		8	-	Expired
		9	-	Canceled
	       10	-	Error
	       11	-	Warning
	       12	-	Succeeded
	       13	-	Paused
	       14	-	Pending Validation
	       15	-	Validation Failed
	       16	-	Schedule Ended
	       18	-	Error Auto Retry
	       19	-	Error Manual recovery

WITH schedule_history
SELECT DISTINCT rh.username	        scheduled_user_name
	  ,rp.value        		submitted_job_name 
          ,rh.processstart		last_job_start_date
          ,rh.processend		last_job_end_date	  
     -- ,rh.elapsedtime		elapsedtime	  
	  ,flv.meaning 			last_job_status	  
          ,rh.requestedstart	        schedule_start_date
          ,rh.requestedend		schedule_end_date
	  ,rh.scheduled    		next_run_date
					 - INSTR(SUBSTR(REPLACE(rh.adhocschedule,chr(0)
			 ) schedule_frequency
				) schedule_interval	  	  
	  ,(SELECT max(rh2.requestid) 
	      FROM fusion.ess_request_history rh2 
         WHERE rh2.parentrequestid = rh.parentrequestid
		   AND rh.username = rh2.username
		   AND rh2.state = 1) next_requestid
  FROM fusion.ess_request_property rp
      ,fusion.request_history rh
      ,fusion.ess_request_property rp_Param
      ,fusion.fnd_lookup_values flv
  AND rh.requestid = rp.requestid
  AND rh.processstart >= TRUNC(SYSDATE,'MONTH')
  AND rp_Param.requestid = rp.requestid
  AND rp.NAME = 'ujobname'
  AND flv.lookup_type = 'HRC_LOADER_ESS_STATE'
  AND flv.language = USERENV('LANG')
  AND flv.lookup_code = rh.state  
  AND rh.requestid = (select max(rh2.requestid) from fusion.ess_request_history rh2 
                       where rh2.parentrequestid = rh.parentrequestid
					     and rh.USERNAME = rh2.USERNAME
						 AND rh2.state <> 1) -- 1 is wait
SELECT schedule_history.scheduled_user_name
      ,MAX(DECODE (, 'report_url', value)) 		report_url
      ,MAX(DECODE (, 'layout_name', value)) 		layout_name
      ,rh.scheduled  							next_schedule_date	  
	  ,flv.meaning 										next_job_status
      ,MAX(DECODE (, 'CONTROL_XML', value)) 		output_details
      ,MAX(DECODE (, 'OUTPUT_FORMAT', value)) 		output_format
      ,MAX(DECODE (, 'save_data', value)) 			output_save_data
      ,MAX(DECODE (, 'email_notification', value)) email_notification
      ,MAX(DECODE (, 'is_bursting', value))    	bursting_used
      ,MAX(DECODE (, 'notify_email_when_failed', value)) 	notify_email_when_failed
      ,MAX(DECODE (, 'notify_email_when_skipped', value)) 	notify_email_when_skipped
      ,MAX(DECODE (, 'notify_email_when_success', value)) 	notify_email_when_success
      ,MAX(DECODE (, 'notify_email_when_warning', value)) 	notify_email_when_warning
      ,MAX(DECODE (, 'notify_to', value)) 					notify_to
      ,MAX(DECODE (, 'report_param_displays', value)) 		report_param_displays
      ,MAX(DECODE (, 'report_params', value)) 				report_params
	  ,schedule_history.last_job_start_date 		last_job_start_date
	  ,schedule_history.last_job_end_date 			last_job_end_date
	 -- ,schedule_history.elapsedtime 				last_job_elapsedtime
	  ,schedule_history.last_job_status 			last_job_status  
	  ,schedule_history.parentrequestid				parent_request_id
	  ,schedule_history.requestid					last_job_request_id
	  ,rh.requestid									scheduled_job_request_id
  FROM schedule_history schedule_history
      ,fusion.request_history rh
      ,fusion.ess_request_property rp	  
	  ,fusion.fnd_lookup_values flv
 WHERE schedule_history.parentrequestid = rh.parentrequestid
   AND schedule_history.next_requestid = rh.requestid
   AND flv.lookup_type = 'HRC_LOADER_ESS_STATE'
   AND flv.language = USERENV('LANG')
   AND flv.lookup_code = rh.state
   AND rp.requestid = rh.requestid   
 GROUP BY schedule_history.scheduled_user_name
	 -- ,schedule_history.elapsedtime 			
BIP – Query to fetch assignment costing details
SELECT prgd.assignment_id
     , pprd.payroll_relationship_id
     , pprd.payroll_relationship_number
     , prt.legislation_code
     , prt.process_in_run
     , prt.base_rel_type_name
     , prtt.relationship_type_name
     , prtt.description
     , pcaf.effective_start_date
     , pcaf.effective_end_date
     , pcaa.segment1
     , pcaa.segment2
     , pcaa.segment3
     , pcaa.segment4
  FROM pay_rel_groups_dn prgd
     , pay_pay_relationships_dn pprd
     , pay_relationship_types prt
     , pay_relationship_types_tl prtt
     , pay_cost_allocations_f pcaf
     , pay_cost_alloc_accounts pcaa
 WHERE pcaf.source_type = 'ASG'
   AND pprd.payroll_relationship_id = pcaf.payroll_relationship_id
   AND pcaf.cost_allocation_record_id = pcaa.cost_allocation_record_id
   AND pprd.payroll_relationship_id = prgd.payroll_relationship_id
   AND prgd.relationship_group_id = pcaf.source_id
   AND trunc(sysdate) BETWEEN pcaf.effective_start_date AND pcaf.effective_end_date
   AND trunc(sysdate) BETWEEN pprd.start_date AND pprd.end_date
   AND pprd.relationship_type_id = prt.relationship_type_id
   AND prt.relationship_type_id = prtt.relationship_type_id
   AND prtt.language = 'US'
   AND pprd.person_id = (select distinct person_id from per_all_people_f where person_number = '212')