Configuration – Value set to get Employee Category list

Employee category (EMPLOYEE_CATG) is a delivered user type lookup in Oracle HCM which can be extended. However, in few cases, there is a requirement to populate employee category at DFF attribute(s), in this case, we need to create a table defined value set.

FROM Clausefnd_lookup_values
Value Attributes Table Alias 
*Value Column Namesubstr(meaning,1,80)
Value Column TypeVARCHAR2
Value Column Length80
Description Column Namesubstr(meaning,1,100)
Description Column Type VARCHAR2
Description Column Length 80
ID Column Namesubstr(meaning,1,100)
ID Column TypeVARCHAR2
ID Column Length80
Enabled Flag Column Name 
Start Date Column Name 
End Date Column Name 
WHERE Clauselookup_type= ‘EMPLOYEE_CATG’ and TAG is NULL
and language = ‘US’
and enabled_flag = ‘Y’
ORDER BY Clause substr(meaning,1,100)