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BIP – Deliver an encrypted file on UCM server

There is a common requirement to send encrypted output files to UCM server as part of outbound integrations in Fusion HCM. By default, FA_UCM_PROVISIONED is delivered as ‘Content Server’. But the delivered content server, doesn’t have the encryption enabled and there is no option to enable encryption on the delivered content server.

So, the solution here is to create a copy of delivered content server with same parameters with encryption enabled.

Choose the PGP key and click on ‘Test Connection’ button. Your new content server is now ready to use. If you have multiple vendors, needing to pick files from content server and each of them is having their own PGP key, you will need to create an individual content server for each vendor.

BIP – Query to extract worker manager job name

Below SQL query below shows how a job name can be pulled for a worker’s manager. The SQL can be easily modified to include further employment related attributes for worker’s line manager.

Select papfemp.person_number
, ppnfemp.first_name person_first_name
, ppnfemp.last_name person_last_name
, paamemp.assignment_number person_assignment
, to_char(pasf.effective_start_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD') effective_start_date
, to_char(pasf.effective_end_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD') effective_end_date
, papf_mgr.person_number manager_number
, ppnf_mgr.first_name manager_first_name
, ppnf_mgr.last_name manager_last_name
, paam_mgr.assignment_number manager_assignment
, mgr_job_name
, pasf.manager_type
From per_all_people_f papfemp
, per_person_names_f ppnfemp
, per_all_assignments_m paamemp
, per_all_people_f papf_mgr
, per_person_names_f ppnf_mgr
, per_all_assignments_m paam_mgr
, per_jobs_f_tl pjft
, per_assignment_supervisors_f pasf
Where ppnfemp.person_id = papfemp.person_id
And ppnfemp.name_type = 'GLOBAL'
And paamemp.person_id = papfemp.person_id
And paamemp.assignment_type In ('E', 'C', 'N')
And paamemp.effective_latest_change = 'Y'
And paamemp.effective_start_date Between papfemp.effective_start_date And papfemp.effective_end_date
And paamemp.effective_start_date Between ppnfemp.effective_start_date And ppnfemp.effective_end_date
And TRUNC(SYSDATE) Between paamemp.effective_start_date And paamemp.effective_end_date
And paamemp.effective_start_date Between pasf.effective_start_date And pasf.effective_end_date
And ppnf_mgr.person_id = papf_mgr.person_id
And ppnf_mgr.name_type = 'GLOBAL'
And paam_mgr.person_id = papf_mgr.person_id
And paam_mgr.assignment_type In ('E', 'C', 'N')
And paam_mgr.effective_latest_change = 'Y'
And paam_mgr.effective_start_date Between papf_mgr.effective_start_date And papf_mgr.effective_end_date
And paam_mgr.effective_start_date Between ppnf_mgr.effective_start_date And ppnf_mgr.effective_end_date
And paamemp.effective_start_date Between paam_mgr.effective_start_date And paam_mgr.effective_end_date

And pasf.person_id = papfemp.person_id
And pasf.assignment_id = paamemp.assignment_id
And pasf.manager_id = papf_mgr.person_id
And pasf.manager_assignment_id = paam_mgr.assignment_id
AND paam_mgr.job_id = pjft.job_id
AND pjft.language = 'US'
AND trunc(sysdate) BETWEEN pjft.effective_start_date AND pjft.effective_end_date