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BIP – Deliver an encrypted file on UCM server

There is a common requirement to send encrypted output files to UCM server as part of outbound integrations in Fusion HCM. By default, FA_UCM_PROVISIONED is delivered as ‘Content Server’. But the delivered content server, doesn’t have the encryption enabled and there is no option to enable encryption on the delivered content server.

So, the solution here is to create a copy of delivered content server with same parameters with encryption enabled.

Choose the PGP key and click on ‘Test Connection’ button. Your new content server is now ready to use. If you have multiple vendors, needing to pick files from content server and each of them is having their own PGP key, you will need to create an individual content server for each vendor.

BIP – Extract Document Record File Link from Content Server

Below query can be used to extract the document record from content server.

SELECT papf.person_number		"Person Number",
       ppnf.first_name			"First Name",
       ppnf.last_name			"Last Name",
       fdt.file_name 			"Attached File Name",
       fdt.dm_version_number 	"Document Id",
       fdt.dm_document_id 		"UCM Content Id",
       (SELECT 'https://'||external_virtual_host
          FROM fusion.ask_deployed_domains
         WHERE deployed_domain_name = 'FADomain')
	   || chr(38) 
	   || 'dID='
       || fdt.dm_version_number
       || '&dDocName='
       || fdt.dm_document_id
       || '&allowInterrupt=1' 	"UCM File Link"  
  FROM per_all_people_f papf,
       per_person_names_f ppnf,
       hr_documents_of_record hdor,
       fnd_attached_documents fad,
       fnd_documents_tl fdt
 WHERE 1=1
   AND hdor.person_id = papf.person_id
   AND papf.person_id = ppnf.person_id
   AND hdor.documents_of_record_id = fad.pk1_value
   AND fad.document_id = fdt.document_id
   AND fdt.language = 'US'
   AND fad.entity_name = 'HR_DOCUMENTS_OF_RECORD'
   AND ppnf.name_type = 'GLOBAL'
   AND trunc(sysdate) between papf.effective_start_date and papf.effective_end_date
   AND trunc(sysdate) between ppnf.effective_start_date and ppnf.effective_end_date
BIP – Query to extract File details loaded through File Import and Export

Use below query to extract files loaded through Tools -> File Import and Export along with UCM Content ID and the account used:

      ,DWEBEXTENSION	        "File Extension"
      ,DDOCACCOUNT		"Account"
      ,DDOCAUTHOR		"Owner"
      ,DINDATE			"Upload Date"
      ,DDOCNAME 		"Content Id"
      ,DDOCTYPE			"Doc Type"	
  FROM revisions
Security – Role to view document of record attachments on UCM

Document of record attachments uploaded by workers in the Fusion HCM resides on UCM server. If there is a requirement to download or view the uploaded attachment on UCM, none of the standard roles like HR Analyst, HR Specialist have the privilege to view the DOR attachments on UCM. To achieve this, a custom role should be created. Please follow the below mentioned steps:

  1. Create a new abstract role ‘XXX Read Attachments’ and add ‘AttachmentsRead’ standard role to it.

2. Once the role is ready, assign it to the required User and run ‘Import User and Role Application Security Data’ process.

3. On successful completion of the process, the user will be able to search any of the document of record attachment using content ID in UCM server and will be able to download the same.