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HDL – Sample file to update Grade name and Grade Step Name

File for Grade Name change:

MERGE|Grade|30001221212|New Grade Name|GRADE_9|COMMON|1951/01/01|

File for Grade Step Name change:

MERGE|GradeStep|30001451452|30001221212|New GSN Level 1|1951/01/01|

Save the files as Grade.dat and upload them.

Approvals – Remove Approve/ Reject buttons from Notifications

There are many scenarios where the users don’t want to have Approve/ Reject buttons on the Bell Notifications or the notification received over email.

This can be achieved quite easily using simple settings in BPM.

To remove the Approve/Reject buttons from email:- Disable the “Make Notifications Actionable” option under the appropriate task.

To remove the Approve/Reject buttons from worklist notifications:– Remove task actions from Actions under Access for the particular task:

Make sure to Commit the changes once you make the above suggested changes.

HDL – Sample HDL file to End Date Position Valid Grades

There can multiple grades assigned as Valid grade at Position level or Job level. However, there is no direct way to end date the valid grades in bulk.

You can end date a valid grade from responsive UI. But it will be a lot of manual effort. You can search for Position and then navigate to Grades section. Then update the position and click on small delete icon next to Grade name (which you want to end date). This will end date the valid grade with an effective end date = date of position update – 1.

To do this in bulk using HDL, you can’t use DELETE command. If you use DELETE command, it will completely Purge the valid grade record from Position. To end date the valid grade, use “ReplaceLastEffectiveEndDate” attribute in the file.

Below is the sample file:

MERGE|PositionGrade|Progress US Business Unit|PRGUSPOS032|2018/12/31|2023/12/31|Hourly01|PRGUSGRADESET|Y

EffectiveStartDate – Earliest Grade Start Date

EffectiveEndDate – Date on which you want to end date the grade.

Once the file is loaded successfully, below is how the data will look in the backend:

Below SQL query can be used to extract valid grades data:

	   TO_CHAR (pvgf.effective_start_date, 'DD/MON/YYYY') effective_start_date,
	   TO_CHAR (pvgf.effective_end_date, 'DD/MON/YYYY') effective_end_date,
	   pjfv.POSITION_CODE, job_name,
	   pgfv.grade_code, grade_name,
  FROM per_valid_grades_f pvgf,
       HR_ALL_POSITIONS_F_VL pjfv,
       per_grades_f_vl pgfv 
 WHERE 1=1
   AND pvgf.position_id = pjfv.position_id
   AND pvgf.grade_id = pgfv.grade_id
   AND pvgf.effective_start_date BETWEEN pjfv.effective_start_date AND pjfv.effective_end_date
   AND pvgf.effective_start_date BETWEEN pgfv.effective_start_date AND pgfv.effective_end_date