Below query can be used to extract grade ladder, grades in ladder and step details of a grade.
SELECT grade_ladder_name
, pglf.grade_type grade_type
, pglf.active_status active_status
, grade_name
, pgilf.sequence grade_seq_in_ladder
, pgsf.sequence grade_step_seq
, grade_step_name
WHERE pglf.grade_ladder_id = pglftl.grade_ladder_id
AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN TRUNC(pglf.effective_start_date) AND TRUNC(pglf.effective_end_date)
AND pglftl.language='US'
AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN TRUNC(pglftl.effective_start_date) AND TRUNC(pglftl.effective_end_date)
AND pgilf.grade_ladder_id = pglftl.grade_ladder_id
AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN TRUNC(pgilf.effective_start_date) AND TRUNC(pgilf.effective_end_date)
AND pgftl.language='US'
AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN TRUNC(pgftl.effective_start_date) AND TRUNC(pgftl.effective_end_date)
AND pgilf.grade_id = pgftl.grade_id
AND pgsf.grade_id = pgftl.grade_id
AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN TRUNC(pgsf.effective_start_date) AND TRUNC(pgsf.effective_end_date)
AND pgsftl.grade_step_id = pgsf.grade_step_id
AND pgsftl.language='US'
AND trunc(sysdate) between trunc(pgsftl.effective_start_date) and trunc(pgsftl.effective_end_date)
I have designed below query to extract the schedule of a BIP submitted jobs which is not available directly. Replace the job name attribute with your job name or run it for all:
Post refresh, the attachments from source environment gets copied to target environment. For data security, it is highly recommended to purge the attachments in lower environments. Oracle’s standard data masking feature doesn’t remove any attachments from the UCM.
In order to overcome this problem, I have created a BIP report which will pull details of all document records for all worker types having an attachment. The BIP generates data in HDL format, which can be saved as DocumentsOfRecord.dat.
Sample BIP data model query: (Below query can be filter based on document type or person number):
SELECT 'METADATA|DocumentAttachment|PersonNumber|DocumentTypeId|DocumentType|DocumentCode|DataTypeCode|Title|FileName' "DATAROW"
,1 row_num
SELECT 'DELETE|DocumentAttachment'||'|'||
fdt.file_name "DATAROW"
,2 row_num
FROM per_all_people_f papf,
hr_documents_of_record hdor,
hr_document_types_tl hdtt,
fnd_attached_documents fad,
fnd_documents_tl fdt,
fnd_documents fd
AND hdor.person_id = papf.person_id
AND hdor.documents_of_record_id = fad.pk1_value
AND fad.document_id = fdt.document_id
AND fd.document_id = fdt.document_id
AND fdt.language = 'US'
AND fad.entity_name = 'HR_DOCUMENTS_OF_RECORD'
AND hdor.document_type_id = hdtt.document_type_id
AND hdtt.language = 'US'
--AND papf.person_number = '269628'
--AND hdtt.document_type = 'Passport Info'
AND trunc(sysdate) between papf.effective_start_date and papf.effective_end_date
ORDER BY row_num
) a
There are many legislative required attributes defined against location object in HCM. These attributes are setup as EFF in Oracle fusion. These EFF attributes are protected against any updates.
One of the requirements is to bulk upload data against these EFF attributes and HDL can be used for this.
Below is a sample HDL to load “HR Reporting Location” attribute under “United States EEO and Veteran Reporting Information”:
LleInformationCategory – Should be same as EFF Context – HRX_US_LOC_EEO_VETS_INF
In case any of these attributes are not passed correctly, you will get an error:
An error occurred. To review details of the error run the HCM Data Loader Error Analysis Report diagnostic test.
Message details: JBO-26037: Cannot find matching EO from discriminator columns for view object LocationLegislativeHRX_5FUS_5FLOC_5FEEO_5FVETS_5FINFprivateVOLogical, entity base LocationLegislativeHRX_5FUS_5FLOC_5FEEO_5FVETS_5FINFprivateEO, discr value Discr values: HCM_LOC_LEG..
For US legislation, Reporting Information calculation card is mandatory calculation card.
CalculationCard.dat HDL is used to upload the Calculation Component Details:
In this example, we will prepare a sample HDL file to upload “Corporate Officer” component value and set it to “Not a Corporate Officer”.
To create a calculation component details, below three Metadata’s should be used:
Below is the worked out example for same:
MERGE|CalculationCard|2024/11/01|United States|Reporting Information|1|E303510
MERGE|CardComponent|1|1|E303510|2024/11/01|4712/12/31|Reporting Information|United States|Reporting Information
METADATA|ComponentDetail|AssignmentNumber|ComponentSequence|CardSequence|DirCardCompDefName|DirCardDefinitionName|DirInformationCategory|PayrollRelationshipNumber|EffectiveStartDate|EffectiveEndDate|DirCompFlexId|FLEX:Deduction Developer DF|_CORPORATE_OFFICER(Deduction Developer DF=HRX_US_REP_REL)|LegislativeDataGroupName
MERGE|ComponentDetail|E303510|1|1|Reporting Information|Reporting Information|HRX_US_REP_REL|303510|2024/11/01|4712/12/31|300000000630850|HRX_US_REP_REL|Y|United States
Save the data as CalculationCard.dat, zip the file and upload it. Calculation card component will be successfully created.
However, there are a few attributes for which you need to know the values in advance before preparing the HDL. One such attribute is PayrollRelationshipNumber. You can run below SQL to get the PayrollRelationshipNumber:
SELECT DISTINCT papf.person_number
,pprd.payroll_relationship_number ,to_char(GREATEST(to_date('2024/11/01','RRRR/MM/DD'),ppos.date_start),'RRRR/MM/DD') effective_start_date
FROM per_all_people_f papf
,per_all_assignments_m paam
,per_periods_of_service ppos
,pay_payroll_assignments ppa
,pay_pay_relationships_dn pprd
WHERE ppos.person_id = paam.person_id
AND ppos.period_of_service_id = paam.period_of_service_id
AND paam.effective_latest_change = 'Y'
AND paam.assignment_type in ( 'E', 'C')
--AND paam.assignment_status_type <> 'INACTIVE'
AND paam.person_id = papf.person_id
AND ppa.person_id (+) = papf.person_id
AND ppa.hr_assignment_id (+) = paam.assignment_id
AND ppos.date_start = (SELECT max(ppos2.date_start)
FROM per_periods_of_service ppos2
WHERE ppos.person_id = ppos2.person_id
AND period_type IN ('E','C')
AND pprd.payroll_relationship_id (+) = ppa.payroll_relationship_id
AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date AND papf.effective_end_date
AND (GREATEST(to_date('2024/11/01','RRRR/MM/DD'),ppos.date_start) BETWEEN paam.effective_start_date AND paam.effective_end_date
AND Papf.person_number IN ('303510')
Once the data is loaded successfully, you can run the below to extract card component details:
Officer Code ?Calculation Cards?Reporting information (federal)?Calculation Component Details?Reporting Information?Officer Code.
SELECT papf.person_number
,'Corporate Officer' Component_Information_Segment
,pdcdf.dir_information_char2 component_value_code
,(SELECT meaning
FROM fnd_lookup_values flv
WHERE lookup_code = pdcdf.dir_information_char2
AND flv.language = 'US') component_value
,pdcdf.DIR_COMP_DETAIL_ID "DirCompDetailId"
,pdcf.dir_card_id "DirCardId"
,pdcdf.DIR_CARD_COMP_ID "DirCardCompId"
,paam.assignment_number "AssignmentNumber"
,pdccf.component_sequence "ComponentSequence"
,pdcf.card_sequence "CardSequence"
,pdccdv.component_name "DirCardCompDefName"
,pdcdv.display_name "DirCardDefinitionName"
,'HRX_US_REP_REL' "DirInformationCategory"
,pprd.payroll_relationship_number "PayrollRelationshipNumber"
,to_char(pdcdf.effective_start_date,'RRRR/MM/DD') "EffectiveStartDate"
,to_char(pdcdf.effective_end_date,'RRRR/MM/DD') "EffectiveEndDate"
,'300000000630850' "DirCompFlexId"
,'HRX_US_REP_REL' "FLEX:Deduction Developer DF"
FROM per_all_people_f papf
,per_all_assignments_m paam
,per_periods_of_service ppos
,pay_payroll_assignments ppa
,pay_pay_relationships_dn pprd
,pay_dir_card_definitions_vl pdcdv
,pay_dir_card_comp_defs_vl pdccdv
,pay_dir_cards_f pdcf
,pay_dir_card_components_f pdccf
,pay_dir_comp_details_f pdcdf
,hrc_integration_key_map hikm
WHERE ppos.person_id = paam.person_id
AND ppos.period_of_service_id = paam.period_of_service_id
AND paam.effective_latest_change = 'Y'
AND paam.assignment_type in ( 'E', 'C')
--AND paam.assignment_status_type <> 'INACTIVE'
AND paam.person_id = papf.person_id
AND pdcdv.display_name = 'Reporting Information'
AND pdccdv.component_name = 'Reporting Information'
AND ppa.person_id = papf.person_id
AND pprd.payroll_relationship_id = ppa.payroll_relationship_id
AND pdcf.payroll_relationship_id = ppa.payroll_relationship_id
AND pdcf.dir_card_definition_id = pdccdv.dir_card_definition_id
AND pdcdv.dir_card_definition_id = pdccdv.dir_card_definition_id
AND pdccdv.dir_card_comp_def_id = pdccf.dir_card_comp_def_id
AND pdccf.dir_card_id = pdcf.dir_card_id
AND pdcdf.dir_card_comp_id = pdccf.dir_card_comp_id
AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date AND papf.effective_end_date
AND to_date('2024/11/01','RRRR/MM/DD') BETWEEN paam.effective_start_date AND paam.effective_end_date
AND to_date('2024/11/01','RRRR/MM/DD') BETWEEN pdccdv.effective_start_date AND pdccdv.effective_end_date
AND to_date('2024/11/01','RRRR/MM/DD') BETWEEN pdcf.effective_start_date AND pdcf.effective_end_date
AND to_date('2024/11/01','RRRR/MM/DD') BETWEEN pdccf.effective_start_date AND pdccf.effective_end_date
AND to_date('2024/11/01','RRRR/MM/DD') BETWEEN pdcdf.effective_start_date AND pdcdf.effective_end_date
AND Papf.person_number = '303510'
AND hikm.surrogate_id = pdcdf.dir_comp_detail_id
Whenever doing mass upload of participants in a performance document, there may be a need to send a notification message to the participants.
To load participants, you need to use PerfDocComplete -> Participant business object. However, if the data is loaded without using “Message” attribute in Participant business object, no message will be sent to the participants.
The notifications are determined by the setting at ‘Configure HCM Data Loader’ task under setup and maintenance. Under Business objects, choose “Performance Document” and you can see the process named – Send Notifications to Mass Loaded Participants.
But again to make this setting work, message attribute must be included in participant object.
There is a common requirement to send encrypted output files to UCM server as part of outbound integrations in Fusion HCM. By default, FA_UCM_PROVISIONED is delivered as ‘Content Server’. But the delivered content server, doesn’t have the encryption enabled and there is no option to enable encryption on the delivered content server.
So, the solution here is to create a copy of delivered content server with same parameters with encryption enabled.
Choose the PGP key and click on ‘Test Connection’ button. Your new content server is now ready to use. If you have multiple vendors, needing to pick files from content server and each of them is having their own PGP key, you will need to create an individual content server for each vendor.
Below SQL query below shows how a job name can be pulled for a worker’s manager. The SQL can be easily modified to include further employment related attributes for worker’s line manager.
Select papfemp.person_number
, ppnfemp.first_name person_first_name
, ppnfemp.last_name person_last_name
, paamemp.assignment_number person_assignment
, to_char(pasf.effective_start_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD') effective_start_date
, to_char(pasf.effective_end_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD') effective_end_date
, papf_mgr.person_number manager_number
, ppnf_mgr.first_name manager_first_name
, ppnf_mgr.last_name manager_last_name
, paam_mgr.assignment_number manager_assignment
, mgr_job_name
, pasf.manager_type
From per_all_people_f papfemp
, per_person_names_f ppnfemp
, per_all_assignments_m paamemp
, per_all_people_f papf_mgr
, per_person_names_f ppnf_mgr
, per_all_assignments_m paam_mgr
, per_jobs_f_tl pjft
, per_assignment_supervisors_f pasf
Where ppnfemp.person_id = papfemp.person_id
And ppnfemp.name_type = 'GLOBAL'
And paamemp.person_id = papfemp.person_id
And paamemp.assignment_type In ('E', 'C', 'N')
And paamemp.effective_latest_change = 'Y'
And paamemp.effective_start_date Between papfemp.effective_start_date And papfemp.effective_end_date
And paamemp.effective_start_date Between ppnfemp.effective_start_date And ppnfemp.effective_end_date
And TRUNC(SYSDATE) Between paamemp.effective_start_date And paamemp.effective_end_date
And paamemp.effective_start_date Between pasf.effective_start_date And pasf.effective_end_date
And ppnf_mgr.person_id = papf_mgr.person_id
And ppnf_mgr.name_type = 'GLOBAL'
And paam_mgr.person_id = papf_mgr.person_id
And paam_mgr.assignment_type In ('E', 'C', 'N')
And paam_mgr.effective_latest_change = 'Y'
And paam_mgr.effective_start_date Between papf_mgr.effective_start_date And papf_mgr.effective_end_date
And paam_mgr.effective_start_date Between ppnf_mgr.effective_start_date And ppnf_mgr.effective_end_date
And paamemp.effective_start_date Between paam_mgr.effective_start_date And paam_mgr.effective_end_date
And pasf.person_id = papfemp.person_id
And pasf.assignment_id = paamemp.assignment_id
And pasf.manager_id = papf_mgr.person_id
And pasf.manager_assignment_id = paam_mgr.assignment_id
AND paam_mgr.job_id = pjft.job_id
AND pjft.language = 'US'
AND trunc(sysdate) BETWEEN pjft.effective_start_date AND pjft.effective_end_date
Alert composer a very powerful and useful tool to configure and sent notifications to the users. However, it is very important for business to know the list of receipients for each message. I have tried to built a query to get these details.
SELECT alert_name
WHERE = 'Learning Assignment Alert'
AND hat.alert_id = har.alert_id
AND hat.language = 'US'
AND har.created_by = '[email protected]'
AND TRUNC(har.creation_date) = TRUNC(SYSDATE)
AND har.run_id = harm.run_id
AND harm.run_id = harr.run_id
AND harm.run_message_id = harr.run_message_id
ORDER BY harr.sent_to
From alert history, one can find the emails triggered but it doesn’t give an option to export this. This is where the query is helpful.
There are scenario’s where customers want to convert their non permanent staff to permanent staff in bulk or vice versa. In HCM terminology, this causes changes in system person type of a person. Let us take an example where a customer wants to hire all the contingent workers working in the company as permanent staff.
As mentioned earlier, converting a contingent worker into worker/employee person type will change the system person type of the person. This is a two step process:
Terminate all the CWK records.
Rehire them as workers.
Performing these steps manually for 100+ records will be a tough task and is error prone process. So, it is better to use HDL for this.
First, we will terminate CWK records. Below is the sample file for same:
Sample file to upload/update/correct DFF values on department using User Keys:
METADATA|Organization|Name|ClassificationName|EffectiveStartDate|EffectiveEndDate|FLEX:PER_ORGANIZATION_UNIT_DFF|testAttribute(PER_ORGANIZATION_UNIT_DFF=Global Data Elements)
MERGE|Organization|Test Organization|Department|1951/01/01|4712/12/31|Global Data Elements|Xyz
MERGE|OrgUnitClassification|Test Organization|Department|COMMON|1951/01/01|4712/12/31
SELECT pjf.job_code
,hpt.description profile_desc
WHERE hpi.profile_id = hpb.profile_id
AND hpb.profile_usage_code = 'M'
AND hpi.profile_id = hpr.profile_id
AND hpi.profile_id = hpt.profile_id
AND hpi.profile_id = hpeiv.profile_id
AND pjf.job_id = hpr.object_id
AND trunc(sysdate) between pjf.effective_start_date and pjf.effective_end_Date
AND pjf.job_code= '1099'
AND hpt.language = 'US'
SELECT pjf.job_id
, pjf.job_code
, pjffv.job_family_name
, pjf.effective_start_date
, pjf.job_function_code
, hikm.source_system_id
, hikm.source_system_owner
FROM per_jobs_f pjf
, per_jobs_f_tl pjft
, per_job_family_f_vl pjffv
, hrc_integration_key_map hikm
WHERE pjf.job_id = hikm.surrogate_id
AND pjft.job_id = pjf.job_id
AND trunc(sysdate) between pjf.effective_start_date and pjf.effective_end_date
AND trunc(sysdate) between pjft.effective_start_date and pjft.effective_end_date
AND trunc(sysdate) between pjffv.effective_start_date and pjffv.effective_end_date
AND pjft.language = 'US'
AND pjffv.job_family_id = pjf.job_family_id
List of all job families not associated with a Job:
FROM per_job_family_f_vl pjffv
FROM per_jobs_f pjf
WHERE pjffv.job_family_id = pjf.job_family_id)
Sample file to load licenses and certifications to employee profile:
MERGE|ProfileItem|300000123456789|PERS_300000123456789|9989|103|Oracle Global HR|2024/07/01|||||||||||HRC_SQLLOADER|HRC_SQLLOADER_PERS_300000123456789_Oracle Global HR
Sample useful queries:
Query to get source system ID and owner details for existing profiles:
select hrb.profile_id
, hikm.source_system_id
, hikm.source_system_owner
where hrb.profile_id = hikm.surrogate_id
Query to get profile id for a worker:
select papf.person_number
, hrb.profile_id
, hrb.profile_code
from HRT_PROFILES_B hrb,
where papf.PERSON_ID = hrb.PERSON_ID
and papf.person_number = <>
With the security concerns regarding access to Oracle HCM applications, I have seen many customers asking for a way to restrict access to a particular DEV/TEST environment having unmasked data. One option in such scenario’s is to keep only the admin user accounts active in the particular environment and deactivate all other user accounts. This way, the user roles data is kept intact and access is restricted to only a set of limited users.
Let us now understand, the kind of users which can exist in Fusion HCM environment. There can be system users (seeded), service accounts, worker accounts (users tied to a person), standalone user accounts (for vendors/ SI partners). So, it is really important to filter the right set of user accounts which should be deactivated. Also, the method of deactivation can vary depending upon the type of user.
Bulk deactivation of users can be performed using either HDL or by using SCIM REST API. While HDL is bulk data upload tool but it has its own set of limitations. HDL can’t be used to deactivate standalone users i.e. the users which don’t have an associated person record. To deactivate standalone users, REST API should be used.
I will discuss both the approaches in details. Let us first find a way to store the admin user accounts which should remain active. My preferred way of doing this is to create a Common Lookup and add the details (user names) in this lookup. This is because lookup values can be updated easily using a spreadsheet loader.
Below is the sample lookup (XX_ACTIVE_USER_ACCOUNTS) which I created to store the admin user names:
Next step is to add the user accounts in the meaning attribute:
Two user accounts – [email protected] and [email protected] have been added. The next steps will be to filter these record from the deactivation steps.
Let us now discuss the first approach which is to deactive user accounts using HDL. Below SQL query can be used to get a list of all required active user accounts in User.dat HDL format:
SELECT 'METADATA|User|UserId|Suspended' datarow
,1 seq
|| pu.user_id
|| '|Y' datarow
,2 seq
FROM per_users pu
WHERE pu.person_id IS NOT NULL
AND pu.created_by NOT IN ('anonymous')
AND pu.username NOT IN ('AIACS_AIAPPS_LHR_STAGE_APPID','FAAdmin','FAWService','FAWService_APPID','FIISUSER','HCMSI-98f0f163a79a46c58fa4572e41fac8ed_scim_client_APPID','IDROUser','IDRWUser', 'OCLOUD9_osn_APPID','PSCR_PROXY_USER','PUBLIC','app_monitor1','app_monitor', 'em_monitoring2','fa_monitor','faoperator','oamAdminUser','puds.pscr.anonymous.user','weblogic_idm','anonymous'
AND pu.suspended = 'N'
AND lower(pu.username) NOT IN (SELECT lower(flv.meaning)
FROM fnd_lookup_values flv
AND flv.language = 'US'
AND flv.enabled_flag = 'Y'
So, the above query will return only those active user accounts which are attached to a person record and don’t exist in the custom lookup XX_ACTIVE_USER_ACCOUNTS.
**Suspended Flag in PER_USERS table indicate if the user is active (N) or inactive (Y).
Next step is to create a BIP data model and a report and save the output data in excel format. From excel, copy the data in a Notepad and save the file as User.dat.
Sample Output in excel format:
Copy the data except for “DATAROW” and paste it in a Notepad. Save the file as User.dat:
zip the User.dat file and upload it in HCM using Data Exchange -> Import and Load.
Once the load is successful, please run – ‘Send Pending LDAP Requests’ ESS job. This should deactivate all the extracted users.
You can run quick queries on per_users to make sure that the user accounts have been deactivated.
Second approach is to use SCIM REST API to bulk deactivate user accounts. I recommend to use this approach only for those users where no person record is attached to the user account.
Please check below MOS note for details on the step by step instructions on SCIM REST API:
Fusion Security: Using SCIM REST API (Doc ID 2346455.1)
Please note that in order to run this REST API, the user should have – IT Security Manager role.
Please note (taken from above Oracle note):
The bulkId attribute value should be set to UNIQUE value, while creating user accounts in BULK. This is required as per IETF SCIM Specifications while creating new resources using POST method. You may use a common value for the bulkId attribute while using PATCH, DELETE, PUT methods in a Bulk operation.
The main challenge with this approach is to get the correct JSON Payload for multiple users from system. I have created a BIP report for this which will generate the output data in required JSON format. Below is the sample code:
data_row, 1 seq
},' data_row, 2 seq
FROM per_users pu
WHERE pu.person_id IS NOT NULL
AND pu.created_by NOT IN ('anonymous')
AND pu.suspended = 'N'
AND lower(pu.username) NOT IN (SELECT lower(flv.meaning)
FROM fnd_lookup_values flv
AND flv.language = 'US'
AND flv.enabled_flag = 'Y'
}' data_row, 3 seq
FROM dual
You can create a BIP data model and report to get data from this query. Extract the data in excel format and copy it to a notepad. Then you need to remove the highlighted comma in order for this JSON payload to work.
You can use SOAP UI/Postman to run the REST API and provide the output from Notepad as JSON input. Once the API runs successfully, the suspended flag will get changed to Y in per_users table.
Use below SQL to get benefits relationship name and status for a worker:
SELECT papf.person_number
, legal_entity_name
,TO_CHAR(bbrf.effective_start_date,'YYYY/MM/DD') effective_start_date
,TO_CHAR(bbrf.effective_end_date,'YYYY/MM/DD') effective_end_date
FROM per_all_people_f papf
,per_all_assignments_m paam
,ben_benefit_relations_f bbrf
,hr_organization_units_f_tl houft
WHERE 1 =1
AND bbrf.person_id = papf.person_id
AND paam.person_id = papf.person_id
AND bbrf.rel_prmry_asg_id = paam.assignment_id
AND bbrf.legal_entity_id = houft.organization_id
AND paam.assignment_type NOT LIKE '%T'
AND paam.effective_latest_change = 'Y'
AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date AND papf.effective_end_date
AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN paam.effective_start_date AND paam.effective_end_date
ORDER BY papf.person_number,paam.assignment_number,bbrf.effective_start_date
Many a times when the reports are delivering the content to UCM server, we get below error:
Document delivery failed
[INSTANCE_ID=bip.bi_server1] [DELIVERY_ID=-1]Exception happened when delivery document to wcc
deliver API call throw ProcessingException
WCC delivery failed with Exception
WCC delivery failed with DeliveryException Client received SOAP Fault from server : InvalidSecurity : error in processing the WS-Security security header Client received SOAP Fault from server : InvalidSecurity : error in processing the WS-Security security header
In this case look at the password for account used to connect to UCM server. If the password is reset make sure it is updated at the UCM connection as well.