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HDL – Loading Multiple attachments for same document type

There are various cases where more than one attachment should be maintained against employee document record. First of all, we will create a new document type where multiple attachments will be allowed.

  1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance -> Document Types -> Click on Create

2. Choose multiple occurrences as Yes:

3. Enter the relevant information and submit the record.

4. Prepare the HDL in below format and load the data:

MERGE|DocumentsOfRecord|101|2021/01/01||Test Multi Attachments Doc|Multiple Attachments||TMAD_001||||||||||HRC_SQLLOADER_101_TMAD_001|HRC_SQLLOADER

MERGE|DocumentAttachment|HRC_SQLLOADER|HRC_SQLLOADER_101_TMAD_001_1|101|Test Multi Attachments Doc|TMAD_001|Test Multi Attachments Doc|Test Multi Attachments Doc 1|FILE|||Historical_rating.docx|Historical_rating.docx|||Historical_rating.docx|
MERGE|DocumentAttachment|HRC_SQLLOADER|HRC_SQLLOADER_101_TMAD_001_2|101|Test Multi Attachments Doc|TMAD_001|Test Multi Attachments Doc|Test Multi Attachments Doc 2|FILE|||Historical_rating1.docx|Historical_rating1.docx|||Historical_rating1.docx|

5. Place the docx files in BlobFiles folder and zip with the .dat file:

6. Import and Load the file.

7. Once the data is loaded, verify from the UI:

HDL – Sample File to Load Document Type Security Profile

Manage Document Type security profile can be used to define a security profile with a list of various documents tagged to it. The documents can either be included or excluded in this security profile.

HDL can be used to mass create and update the document type security profiles.

Check the below post on how to refresh the business objects to download the latest template for DocumentTypeSecurityProfile.dat:

HDL – Refresh Business Objects – Welcome to Fusion HCM Consulting

Below is the sample HDL for same:



Verify the uploaded security profile from UI: