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Security – Deactivating Users in Bulk

With the security concerns regarding access to Oracle HCM applications, I have seen many customers asking for a way to restrict access to a particular DEV/TEST environment having unmasked data. One option in such scenario’s is to keep only the admin user accounts active in the particular environment and deactivate all other user accounts. This way, the user roles data is kept intact and access is restricted to only a set of limited users.

Let us now understand, the kind of users which can exist in Fusion HCM environment. There can be system users (seeded), service accounts, worker accounts (users tied to a person), standalone user accounts (for vendors/ SI partners). So, it is really important to filter the right set of user accounts which should be deactivated. Also, the method of deactivation can vary depending upon the type of user.

Bulk deactivation of users can be performed using either HDL or by using SCIM REST API. While HDL is bulk data upload tool but it has its own set of limitations. HDL can’t be used to deactivate standalone users i.e. the users which don’t have an associated person record. To deactivate standalone users, REST API should be used.

I will discuss both the approaches in details. Let us first find a way to store the admin user accounts which should remain active. My preferred way of doing this is to create a Common Lookup and add the details (user names) in this lookup. This is because lookup values can be updated easily using a spreadsheet loader.

Below is the sample lookup (XX_ACTIVE_USER_ACCOUNTS) which I created to store the admin user names:

Next step is to add the user accounts in the meaning attribute:

Two user accounts – [email protected] and [email protected] have been added. The next steps will be to filter these record from the deactivation steps.

Let us now discuss the first approach which is to deactive user accounts using HDL. Below SQL query can be used to get a list of all required active user accounts in User.dat HDL format:

SELECT 'METADATA|User|UserId|Suspended' datarow
      ,1 seq
       || pu.user_id
       || '|Y' datarow
      ,2 seq 
  FROM per_users pu
 WHERE pu.person_id IS NOT NULL
   AND pu.created_by NOT IN ('anonymous')
   AND pu.username NOT LIKE 'FUSION%APPS%'
   AND pu.username NOT IN ('AIACS_AIAPPS_LHR_STAGE_APPID','FAAdmin','FAWService','FAWService_APPID','FIISUSER','HCMSI-98f0f163a79a46c58fa4572e41fac8ed_scim_client_APPID','IDROUser','IDRWUser',						'OCLOUD9_osn_APPID','PSCR_PROXY_USER','PUBLIC','app_monitor1','app_monitor',						  'em_monitoring2','fa_monitor','faoperator','oamAdminUser','puds.pscr.anonymous.user','weblogic_idm','anonymous'
  AND pu.suspended = 'N'
  AND lower(pu.username) NOT IN (SELECT lower(flv.meaning)
                                    FROM fnd_lookup_values flv
                                   WHERE flv.lookup_type = 'XX_ACTIVE_USER_ACCOUNTS'
                                     AND flv.language = 'US'
                                     AND flv.enabled_flag = 'Y'

So, the above query will return only those active user accounts which are attached to a person record and don’t exist in the custom lookup XX_ACTIVE_USER_ACCOUNTS.

**Suspended Flag in PER_USERS table indicate if the user is active (N) or inactive (Y).

Next step is to create a BIP data model and a report and save the output data in excel format. From excel, copy the data in a Notepad and save the file as User.dat.

Sample Output in excel format:

Copy the data except for “DATAROW” and paste it in a Notepad. Save the file as User.dat:

zip the User.dat file and upload it in HCM using Data Exchange -> Import and Load.

Once the load is successful, please run – ‘Send Pending LDAP Requests’ ESS job. This should deactivate all the extracted users.

You can run quick queries on per_users to make sure that the user accounts have been deactivated.

Second approach is to use SCIM REST API to bulk deactivate user accounts. I recommend to use this approach only for those users where no person record is attached to the user account.

Please check below MOS note for details on the step by step instructions on SCIM REST API:

Fusion Security: Using SCIM REST API (Doc ID 2346455.1)

Please note that in order to run this REST API, the user should have – IT Security Manager role.

Sample url to bulk deactivate users :-
Sample Payload:


Please note (taken from above Oracle note):

The bulkId attribute value should be set to UNIQUE value, while creating user accounts in BULK. This is required as per IETF SCIM Specifications while creating new resources using POST method. You may use a common value for the bulkId attribute while using PATCH, DELETE, PUT methods in a Bulk operation.

The main challenge with this approach is to get the correct JSON Payload for multiple users from system. I have created a BIP report for this which will generate the output data in required JSON format. Below is the sample code:

 data_row, 1 seq 
},' data_row, 2 seq
 FROM per_users pu
 WHERE pu.person_id IS NOT NULL
   AND pu.created_by NOT IN ('anonymous')
   AND pu.username NOT LIKE 'FUSION%APPS%'
   AND pu.suspended = 'N'
   AND lower(pu.username) NOT IN (SELECT lower(flv.meaning)
                                    FROM fnd_lookup_values flv
                                   WHERE flv.lookup_type = 'XX_ACTIVE_USER_ACCOUNTS'
                                     AND flv.language = 'US'
                                     AND flv.enabled_flag = 'Y'
}' data_row, 3 seq
  FROM dual

You can create a BIP data model and report to get data from this query. Extract the data in excel format and copy it to a notepad. Then you need to remove the highlighted comma in order for this JSON payload to work.

You can use SOAP UI/Postman to run the REST API and provide the output from Notepad as JSON input. Once the API runs successfully, the suspended flag will get changed to Y in per_users table.

Security – Role to view document of record attachments on UCM

Document of record attachments uploaded by workers in the Fusion HCM resides on UCM server. If there is a requirement to download or view the uploaded attachment on UCM, none of the standard roles like HR Analyst, HR Specialist have the privilege to view the DOR attachments on UCM. To achieve this, a custom role should be created. Please follow the below mentioned steps:

  1. Create a new abstract role ‘XXX Read Attachments’ and add ‘AttachmentsRead’ standard role to it.

2. Once the role is ready, assign it to the required User and run ‘Import User and Role Application Security Data’ process.

3. On successful completion of the process, the user will be able to search any of the document of record attachment using content ID in UCM server and will be able to download the same.

Security – Role to view all scheduled processes

As per the standard Fusion security, a user can view only the scheduled processes which has been scheduled from his/her user login. However, there is a common requirement where the admin should be able to view all the scheduled processes (processes scheduled by all the users). This can be achieved by creating a custom role. Follow the below mentioned steps to create the Role:

  1. Navigate to Home -> Tools -> Security Console -> Create Role

2. Choose the category as ‘Abstract Data Role’

3. Click next and stop on ‘Role Hierarchy’ train stop. Click on Add button and search for ‘ESS Monitor Role’ and click on ‘Add Role Membership’:

4. Click Next and in ‘User’ train stop add the user to whom you want to assign this role. This is an optional step.

5. Click Next and Click on Save and Close.

6. Search for the newly created role under ‘Roles’ tab:

7. Assign the role to required users.

8. Run the ESS process ‘Import User and Role Application Security Data’. Once the process is complete, login and logout and verify that the user is able to see all the ESS jobs under ‘Scheduled Processes’.