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HDL – Person EFF Information loaded using HDL is not visible in UI

Many a times, even after loading Person EFF information successfully, using HCM Data loader, the information is not available in UI.

In such cases, please make sure that following fields are passed correctly:

InformationType – Name of extra information type e.g. ‘XYZ Medical History’

EFF_CATEGORY_CODE – EFF Category Context. For example, for person EIT, the value will be PER_EIT

CategoryCode – EFF Category Context. For example, for person EIT, the value will be PER_EIT

PeiInformationCategory – Name of extra information type e.g. ‘XYZ Medical History’

Sample HDL file to load Worker EFF information:

METADATA|WorkerExtraInfo|PersonNumber|PersonId|EffectiveStartDate|EffectiveEndDate|SourceSystemId|SourceSystemOwner|FLEX:PER_PERSON_EIT_EFF|PeiInformationCategory|CategoryCode|InformationType|medicalStatus(PER_PERSON_EIT_EFF=XYZ Medical Informaton))|EFF_CATEGORY_CODE

MERGE|WorkerExtraInfo|998812||2022/04/01|4712/12/31|FUSION_998812_1|HRC_SQLLOADER|XYZ Medical Informaton|XYZ Medical Informaton|PER_EIT|XYZ Medical Informaton|Normal|PER_EIT
BIP – Extract Document Record File Link from Content Server

Below query can be used to extract the document record from content server.

SELECT papf.person_number		"Person Number",
       ppnf.first_name			"First Name",
       ppnf.last_name			"Last Name",
       fdt.file_name 			"Attached File Name",
       fdt.dm_version_number 	"Document Id",
       fdt.dm_document_id 		"UCM Content Id",
       (SELECT 'https://'||external_virtual_host
          FROM fusion.ask_deployed_domains
         WHERE deployed_domain_name = 'FADomain')
	   || chr(38) 
	   || 'dID='
       || fdt.dm_version_number
       || '&dDocName='
       || fdt.dm_document_id
       || '&allowInterrupt=1' 	"UCM File Link"  
  FROM per_all_people_f papf,
       per_person_names_f ppnf,
       hr_documents_of_record hdor,
       fnd_attached_documents fad,
       fnd_documents_tl fdt
 WHERE 1=1
   AND hdor.person_id = papf.person_id
   AND papf.person_id = ppnf.person_id
   AND hdor.documents_of_record_id = fad.pk1_value
   AND fad.document_id = fdt.document_id
   AND fdt.language = 'US'
   AND fad.entity_name = 'HR_DOCUMENTS_OF_RECORD'
   AND ppnf.name_type = 'GLOBAL'
   AND trunc(sysdate) between papf.effective_start_date and papf.effective_end_date
   AND trunc(sysdate) between ppnf.effective_start_date and ppnf.effective_end_date
BIP – Suppress special characters

Oracle HCM allows special characters to be used in fields like Person Names/ Department Names/ Jobs etc. But in reporting, there may be a requirement to change the special characters (like ý, ě, ž, ů etc) to normal English characters.

CONVERT function can be used for such requirements.

select CONVERT('Politických vězňů ižní Předměstí Plzeň', 'US7ASCII') normal_english from dual


Configuration – Hiding Print Me under Settings and Actions

Settings and Actions under user name provides a lot of options. Sometimes, the users request to remove unwanted options from this list:

These options can be removed from this list by activating a sandbox and adding tool – “Page Template Composer”:

Once you activate the Sandbox, click on Edit Global Page Template option under “Settings and Actions” and click on Global Page Template:

Click on the option you want to hide (Print Me) in this case:

Click on Settings and uncheck the visible checkbox:

Once the changes are done and you are happy with the changes, publish the sandbox.

HDL – Sample file to create Pending Worker Record

Below is a sample file to create Pending Worker record using HDL:




MERGE|WorkRelationship||2023/07/01|P|ADD_PEN_WKR|GB Legal Employer|||HDL|TestEmpWR_123|TestEmp_123|Y

MERGE|WorkTerms||2023/07/01|4712/12/31||Y|1|GB Legal Employer|P|2023/07/01|ACTIVE_PROCESS|GB Business Unit|ADD_PEN_WKR|Y|Member|HDL|TestEmpWT_123|TestEmp_123|TestEmpWR_123

MERGE|Assignment|ADD_PEN_WKR|2023/07/01|4712/12/31|1|Y|||ACTIVE_PROCESS|GB Business Unit||P|2023/07/01|GB Legal Employer|Y|Member|HDL|TestEmpASG_123|TestEmp_123|TestEmpWT_123|2023/07/10

ReadyToConvert Flag on Work relationship is used to convert the Pending worker record to Employee record. If this flag is set to Y, it will appear in NewPerson Dashboard with Automatic conversion marked as Yes.

Run Convert Pending Workers Automatically Process will pick the pending worker and convert it into Worker.

REST API Error –  The specified operation is not supported for the invoked HTTP method

Many a times while trying to use Post method using REST API, we encounter – ” The specified operation is not supported for the invoked HTTP method. Please check the URL and the headers.”

Cause of this error is incorrect header parameters/ missing header parameters while making a call to REST API.

To fix the issue:

  1. Open Postman
  2. Under Headers:

3. Set below values:

Key – Content-type

Value – application/

Once the header values are set, the error will go away:

HDL – Sample HDL file to create Role Provisioning Rules
MERGE|RoleMapping||Test HDL|1951/01/01|4712/12/31|Test Legal Employer|Employee|Employee|E|ACTIVE|RoleMapping_123|HRC_SQLLOADER

MERGE|Role||RoleMapping_123|Test HDL||N|N|Y|TEST_EMP_DATA|Role_123|HRC_SQLLOADER

The rules can be verified from UI, once the HDL load is successful:

Configuration – Pull configured actions/action reasons

Below query can be used to pull actions and configured actions for these reasons along with action type:

SELECT pav.action_type_code
      ,to_char(aru.start_date, 'yyyy/mm/dd') start_date
      ,to_char(aru.end_date, 'yyyy/mm/dd') end_date
       PER_ACTIONS_VL pav,
 WHERE 1=1
   AND aru.action_id = pav.action_id
   AND aru.action_reason_id = parv.action_reason_id
   AND pav.action_code = 'CHANGE_SALARY'
ORDER BY 1,3,5   
HDL – Sample File to upload location DFF values
METADATA|Location|SourceSystemOwner|SourceSystemId|LocationCode|LocationName|EffectiveStartDate|EffectiveEndDate|SetCode|ActiveStatus|AddressLine1|Country|Description|AddressLine2|AddressLine3|AddressLine4|Building|FloorNumber|PostalCode|Region1|Region2|Region3|TimezoneCode|TownOrCity|FLEX:PER_LOCATIONS_DF|dffType(PER_LOCATIONS_DF=Global Data Elements)
MERGE|Location|HRC_SQLLOADER|TEST_LOCATION_1|TEST_LOCATION|Test Location|1951/01/01|4712/12/31|COMMON|A|1 Churchill Place|GB|1 Churchill Place||||||||||Europe/London|London|Global Data Elements|Sample DFF value
Fusion Diagnostics – Important MOS notes related to diagnostics

Below are some important my oracle support notes related to diagnostic framework:

Self-Service Data Integrity Framework for Employment Flows – Part 2 (Doc ID 2597759.1)
Self-Service Data Integrity Framework for Employment Flows – Part 1 (Doc ID 2548287.1)
Self-Service Data Integrity Framework for Person Flows (Doc ID 2548789.1)
Self-Service Data Integrity Framework for Workforce Structure Flows (Doc ID 2548827.1)
Fusion Global HR: Corruption Type in Person Diagnostic Auto Correct Report (Doc ID 2619978.1)

Check below link to see the privilege’s required for run Diagnostics:

HDL – Loading Delivery Preferences for a Worker

PersonDeliveryMethod child business object of Worker can be used to upload delivery preferences for a worker.

Below is sample HDL file:

MERGE|PersonDeliveryMethod||2023/01/01|4712/12/31||1234|1||NORMAL||HOME|Address Line 1|||||HRC_SQLLOADER|1234_HOME_Address Line 1
HDL – Loaded Salary Data Extract in HDL Format
Select 'METADATA|Salary|AssignmentNumber|SalaryAmount|DateFrom|DateTo|SalaryBasisId|SalaryId|SourceSystemId|SourceSystemOwner|ActionCode|ActionReasonCode' Header, 1 data_flow_order
from dual
SELECT 'MERGE|Salary'||'|'||
TO_CHAR(cs.date_from,'RRRR/MM/DD', 'nls_date_language=American')||'|'||
TO_CHAR(cs.date_to,'RRRR/MM/DD', 'nls_date_language=American')||'|'||
'XX_ANNL_REVIEW'  data_row,
2 data_flow_order
FROM cmp_salary cs,
per_all_assignments_m paam,
hrc_integration_key_map hikm,
WHERE cs.assignment_id= paam.assignment_id
AND trunc(sysdate) between paam.effective_start_date AND paam.effective_end_date
AND paam.assignment_type not like '%T'
AND cs.salary_id = hikm.surrogate_id
and cs.action_id = pav.action_id
and cs.action_reason_id = parv.action_reason_id
and parv.action_reason_code = 'CMP_ANNV'
ORDER BY data_flow_order